10 Facts About The Sabbath
Did you know this about the Sabbath?
1. The Sabbath is not about being a Jew nor a 7th-day Adventist.
The Sabbath was given to man from God (Mark 2:27) as a holy holiday each week. The only person around at this time was Adam (Genesis 2:1-3). On Friday evening each week, a double portion of God's supernatural provision is released to his people. Exodus 16:29.
2. If the 6th commandment "Thou shalt not kill" has Not changed, why would some think the 4th commandment "Remember the Sabbath Day, has changed? If one of these commandments has not changed then none of the commandments have changed.
3. Yeshua went to church on the 7th day (Sabbath) of the week. Luke 4:17 because it was his CUSTOM-which means He was brought up from a child doing this.
4. Paul and ALL the disciples went to church on the Sabbath. Acts 18:4-11, and stated the law was good and holy to him. Romans 7:12, 22.
5. Isaiah 58: 13-14 lets us know how God truly feels about his Holy day and promised to bless those who keep it as His day.
6. The first of the week's confusion comes in with most people, as they assume this means Sunday service. Acts 20:7 proves to us Paul's dedication to keeping the weekly Sabbath, we know as Saturday, and then goes on to show us that Paul is determined to keep the coming Annual Sabbath of Pentecost. He began preaching on the Sabbath and continued on AFTER sundown INTO the first day of the week. Paul preached for a very long time Acts 20:9, lets us know this. It is a Saturday evening sermon that Paul preached, that lasted into the night on INTO the first day of the week that begins at sunset (known to us as Sunday) verse 8 & 9, let us know it was evening.
7. The Bible DIDN'T say for us to keep ONE of the 7 days of the week it said to keep the 7th day Holy. God himself chooses for us, which day was Holy, Sanctified, and set apart. He only sanctified and made holy the Sabbath Day. Genesis 2:3.
8. Exodus 16:4-lets know this is the only commandment God specifically mentioned by which He would test obedience. Sabbath-keeping is about obedience, for it is better than sacrifice. Proverb 21:3.
9. Acts 13:42-44, Acts 18:4-11 teaches us that in the beginning, we ALL worshipped on the SAME day, one Law for us All (Isaiah 56:1-8 & Exodus 20:10). My question is who changed God's worship day for His people from Saturday to Sunday? Because Yeshua didn't change such a Law. Colossians 2:8, Mark 2:7-9 gives us much understanding. It was the tradition of men that Sunday worship exists, not GOD.
10. There is NOT one scripture that exists in the entire Bible on Sunday as the day we are to worship. Even Acts 1:4, Acts 2:1, Leviticus 23: 15, 16 makes it clear that Sabbath worship was God's Law. Pentecost was on Sunday, not because the Sabbath day had changed to Sunday, but because Pentecost HAD been on Sunday ever since God instituted it through Moses, fifteen centuries earlier. The bible says, "The day after the seventh Sabbath was Pentecost. If this day had changed they would have counted off seven Sundays and celebrated Pentecost the next day, on Monday.
Observation: If Yeshua was guilty of breaking any laws/commandments/statues then why did the Romans have to hire false witness to speak against him at his trial? They could have convicted him of breaking the Sabbath law and sentences him to death. The reason they could not accuse him of breaking the Sabbath Laws was that Yeshua didn’t break this Law. Matthew 5:17-18